Packing Strap of Suppository Physic


SKU: P5094S

Packing strap of suppository physic

This product is used to perfuse molding once and straightly for suppository physic with various figure\various specification. It is mated cork-nutshell packing material of BZS-I tape semi-automatic suppository filling-sealing machine that is made by our company. This product is pressed positively to blow and make a statue to form by using drugous and unpoisous PVC or PVC/PE etc. packing material that is coincidence with national standard. Its quality \behavior and enclosure degree all lie in internal precede level.

Technical parameter and qualification



Form?bullet form?duck mouth form?torpedo form and other special form

granulation number per disk?800?1000granulations

the color of checking nutshell?white and ivory

Technical characteristic
1?using special press technique?handwriting in focus?fastness and trustiness?it can overprint multi-colors design and symbol preventing false.
2?using advanced making nutshell equipment and high precise making form mould?cork-nutshell product is reliable for gluing and contacting?and it has equal wall depth and muti-tearing mouth and mode of carving line.
3?produce technique and environment are coincident with national produce standard related to packing material for medicine? to today it is a producing cork-nutshell specially company of our country that is maximum of production \the best in quality\the most in variety\the shortest of delivery.